Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pink Moon - Nick Drake

I saw it written and I saw it say.

Pink Moon is on its way.

Nick Drake is an enigmatic figure in music. A very depressive and shy person. He only released three albums. His records did not set tremendously well. He rarely did interviews or shows. He almost faded into obscurity until a steady resurgence of his music occurred in the late 80s. And it was for the better.

Monday, October 14, 2013

The Grieving Young: An Analysis of Powerful Images

            Death has been a part of human culture since the beginning of human civilization, yet it is still heartbreaking to those who were involved with the deceased. It is human nature to miss one who had been so close to use had then, in an instant, was taken away from us. When that metaphoric Grim Reaper rears his ugly head, he breaks away the bonds that were formed together by this deceased person. The events that follow is a sense of grieving and loss, as the people known to the deceased share in their sadness for this human being who does not walk on this Earth. Humans form these said bonds with each other, whether it be between friends, husband and wife, or even father and son. Today, I wanted to discuss the later. What I will be talking about is images, which, like death, has had an impact on human civilization.